
開発しているのはマサチューセッツPremium Powerという会社。
いままで、フローバッテリーというのは、utilities会社やcell phone carriersが使うものだったが、この容量でこの値段だったら家庭に普及するかもしれない。

  • HomeFlow
    • 30 kilowatt-hoursの蓄電
    • 10 kilowatt rating
    • $7,500(Inverterの値段込みなので、すでに太陽光発電を持っており、そのInverterを使えるならもっと安くなる)
  • ZincFlow
    • 45 kilowatt-hourの蓄電
    • 15 kilowatt rating
  • LocalFlow
    • 100 kilowatt hoursの蓄電
    • 30 kilowatts rating
  • TransFlow 2000
    • 2.8 megawatt-hoursの蓄電
    • 500 kilowatt rating
    • 53 feet long

A123 Systemsのリチウムイオン電池は、今までは安いと言われていたが、それでも1ワット時あたり1ドルする。
このフローバッテリーは30年保ち、今までのバッテリーの1/15のスペースで良いそうです。材料のZinc bromideは貝から取れるそうです。

The company's batteries last 30 years and take up 1/15th of the space of conventional batteries, he added.
Whether and when Premium Power can achieve its goals remains to be seen, but the potential is intriguing. At these rates, storage could be added fairly easily to wind farms and solar arrays. Government officials and developers in Africa have been regularly calling the company to see if Premium's batteries could power microgrids.


Flow batteries pretty much act like their name suggests. A charged electrolyte infused with zinc and bromide ions flows from one tank to another. The trick is in coming up with a battery design that allows the zinc to continually be recycled. After zinc bromide is broken up into its separate elements (a key part of the process for harvesting electrons), the zinc adheres to plates inside the battery. That plate has to be polished before the recharging process can begin again.
Zinc bromide, he added, is a byproduct of shellfish. In other words, there's a lot of it.

by 阪口(@東京)