
世界で一番大きな風力発電施設「Tarnet Wind Farm」がイギリスのケント州の沖合で9月23日に稼働を開始しましたが、風車を作ってインストールした世界最大の風車メーカーのVestas社によると、実働100日で100基の風車を設置したとの事。1日1基のペース。なお、嵐の日とか、船に風車を積み込む日は作業出来ないので実働日から外しているらしい。

  • 上の写真
    • 特注の船で風車を洋上の設置台に据え付けている所
    • 茶色の6本の支柱が海の中に伸びていって、船全体を持ち上げて固定して、大きなクレーンで風車を設置台に移動して固定するのですね

  • 下の写真
    • 港で風車を積み込んでいる所
    • 一度に9基分の支柱(9本)と羽根(27枚)が積み込めるらしい


Literally counting the time from start to finish, the number of days to complete the project was 198. However, when deducting days for bad weather and the time for loading and transit, the actual installation process was accomplished in less than 100 days, an industry record.
Continuously looking to improve productivity, Vestas was able to accomplish this record installation by creating new ways of handling the turbine blades while loading and shipping. "The installation vessel 'MPI Resolution' proved to be an efficient platform, carrying nine complete turbines on each trip with full height towers. This alone saves a huge amount of time spent on commuting to and from port. Sometimes the vessel was moving from location to location every 18 hours, making it possible to install nine turbines in six to seven days," Fyhn Friis said.
To carry individual blades aboard the ship, Vestas engineers devised a stacking system that carries 27 blades, creating a safer and faster process of loading the vessel and reducing the number of trips needed to transport the cargo to the site.

by 阪口