次世代送電網の構築に必要な通信機能を備えた電力計(いわゆるスマートメーター。右の写真。)は、カリフォルニア州ではかなり一般的になって来ています。Mountain View市の我が家にも昨年の夏頃にPG&Eによってインストールされました。(全米としては、全く着手していない州も沢山ある。「スマートメーター絶対反対」の住民運動もあったりする。)
米エネルギー省(DOE)のSteven Chu長官は2週間ほど前(8月31日)、全米に設置されている電力計(スマートメーター) 200万台が、家庭および商業施設でのエネルギーコスト削減に貢献していると発表しました。
(DOEのニュースリリース)At an event today at Battelle headquarters in Columbus, Ohio, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced that two million smart grid meters have been installed across the country, helping to reduce energy costs for families and businesses. As a result of funding from the Recovery Act, smart grid technology is speeding the modernization of the nation's electrical grid, helping to reduce the amount of time needed to respond to energy disruptions and enable consumers to monitor their energy consumption and costs. So far, more than 180,000 smart meters have been installed in Ohio.
"As a result of an unprecedented investment from the Recovery Act, smart meters are being installed in Ohio and across the country to create a more reliable, modern electrical grid and give consumers the ability to monitor and control their energy use," said Secretary Chu. "Smart Grid technologies will give consumers choice and promote energy savings, increase energy efficiency, and foster the growth of renewable energy resources."
米電力中央研究所(Electric Power Research Institute、EPRI)の予測によると、これらの新しい技術によって2030年までに年間4%以上の電力使用量が削減できるという。これは米国全体で年間$20.4 Billion (=204億ドル=約1兆7200万円)の光熱費削減につながるらしい。オハイオ州だけでも$700Mの節約になるらしく、これを一人当たりに直すと61ドルの節約。
An analysis by the Electric Power Research Institute estimates that the implementation of smart grid technologies could reduce electricity use by more than 4 percent annually by 2030. That would mean a savings of $20.4 billion for businesses and consumers around the country each year, and more than $700 million for Ohio alone -- or $61 in annual utility savings for every man, woman and child in Ohio.
by 阪口