
昨日のトップ5には入らなかったが、Siemens Energy (ドイツ)は風力発電世界第6位です。総合重電メーカー、シーメンス社の風力発電部門で、1991年に世界で初めて洋上風力発電デンマークに建設した。
今、世界初の水面に浮かぶ風力発電が北海でNorsk Hydro社と共同開発をしている。

"It's attractive to have windmills out at sea, out of sight of land, away from birds' migration routes," said Alexandra Bech Gjoerv, head of Hydro's New Energy division at a signing ceremony to develop floating wind turbine technology.
The design by Norsk Hydro uses a three-able tethered system, similar to the ones used in oil rigs, that holds a 200 meter tall steel tube with an attached turbine and three 60-meter-long blades. Norsk Hydro expects to be able to use this technology on sites located 50-100 miles off shore, and with a depth of up to 500 meters. Norsk Hydro's turbine will be the first large scale prototype of its kind, expected to be installed in the North Sea by 2009. If successful, Norsk Hydro expects a full windmill to be operational by 2012.


by 阪口